Welcome to the second Annual Ocracoke Earth Day Celebration weekend on Ocracoke Island, NC, April 11-13, 2025! Schedule is subject to change . . . it is still being tweaked!

Barbara Adams

Artist and Pony Caretaker
avatar for Desiree Adams

Desiree Adams

Ocracoke Alive President & Yoga Instructor
avatar for Ocracoke Alive

Ocracoke Alive

Ocracoke Alive
avatar for Dr. Reide Corbett

Dr. Reide Corbett

Coastal Studies Institute
Executive Director, Coastal Studies Institute
avatar for Gabriel Cumming

Gabriel Cumming

Working Landscapes
avatar for Denise Deacon

Denise Deacon

Master Beekeeper
avatar for Bevin Hardy

Bevin Hardy

Anthropologist & Climate Researcher
avatar for Sundae Horn

Sundae Horn

Journalist, Librarian, & Environmental Advocate
avatar for Philip Howard

Philip Howard

Ocracoke Island Historian

Kathy Koss

Southern Rain, LLC
Landscaper & Designer
avatar for Kane Lawhorn

Kane Lawhorn

avatar for Chester Lynn

Chester Lynn

Ocracoke Island Native & Fig Tree Expert
avatar for Kate McNally

Kate McNally

Plant Enthusiast & Herbalist
avatar for Laura Michaels

Laura Michaels

Caretaker of Ocracoke's Pony Herd
avatar for Katy Mitchell

Katy Mitchell

Kitty Mitchell Studio
avatar for Carla Norwood

Carla Norwood

Working Landscapes
avatar for Ella Ralston

Ella Ralston

Artist, Poet, Thespian, Environmental Advocate
avatar for Joseph Ramunni

Joseph Ramunni

avatar for Heidi Smith

Heidi Smith

Tideland EMC
avatar for John Spagnolo

John Spagnolo

Ocracoke Alive
Ocracoke Alive Secretary & Environmental Advocate
avatar for Karen Teklinsky

Karen Teklinsky

Environmental Educators & Ocracoke Science Teacher
avatar for Peter Vankevich

Peter Vankevich

Journalist & Bird Watching Enthusiast
avatar for Daniel Velásquez

Daniel Velásquez

Ph.D Candidate in History at UNC
avatar for Debbie Wells

Debbie Wells

Island Inn Commons
Island Inn Commons Garden Project Manager
avatar for Gustave Younggren

Gustave Younggren

Scientist & Chemical Engineer
avatar for Bob & Jeanne  Zentz

Bob & Jeanne Zentz

Folk Musicians
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